Effecting the end of North Korea

I remember being in the fourth grade and sitting in Mrs. Dillard’s room watching a film about the Holocaust. I remember seeing footage of repurposed agricultural equipment moving literal bucketloads of gassed Jews’ corpses around like dirt, filling huge mass graves with them. It was the first time I saw such vivid and graphic imagery … Read more

Thursday miscellanea #334

I missed Texas this week because of a longtime friend’s going-away. I’ll have to make up for that. We’re replacing Lea’s car this year. That means I’m in touch with a dear old friend, classmate, and colleague. That means I’m hanging out at Jerry Damson Honda shootin’ it. And I find out a fellow who … Read more

Having a peek at Yik Yak

So, for my latest sociological peek into something not intended for me but about which I was curious—see also AshleyMadison.com—I’m fresh off having a week-long look at Yik Yak. It’s an anonymous social network on which you “yak” and reply to everyone who’s paying attention within a 10-mile radius about whatever’s on your mind (in … Read more
