On Rocket City Pride Week
I have a few thoughts on Rocket City Pride Week and the concept of the “gay community” in general, and I’ve decided to share them in my first vlog ever. So aren’t you the lucky one? Enjoy.
I have a few thoughts on Rocket City Pride Week and the concept of the “gay community” in general, and I’ve decided to share them in my first vlog ever. So aren’t you the lucky one? Enjoy.
I’m thankful for my father’s love and example. I’m blessed to be father to two wonderful boys. I thank my heavenly Father for all of the above. The things I’ve heard about fatherhood today have spoken to me as calls to action, at least as much as anything else. There are definitely things I can … Read more
I went to Lowe’s week before last. Hadn’t been in quite some time, because I’d been in this unhealthy, unreasonable, passive-aggressive sort of place about home maintenance. But I’m climbing out of it. So I bought weatherstripping, primer, some screws, and stuff. I noticed a fellow with a guide dog inside. It was a striking … Read more