Donald Trump will win the presidency

Donald Trump is a boorish, vulgar, narcissistic self-parody, for whom simple civilized and polite discourse is an apparently impossible task. Oh, and you better get used to him, because he’s going to be the 45th President of the United States. The Republican establishment’s primary response to Trump’s candidacy has been to try to run out … Read more

Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump for president

The Sarah Palin of 2009 would have endorsed Ted Cruz. He is a legitimate threat to win the nomination, and essentially a Tea Party Republican. The Sarah Palin of 2016 has instead endorsed Donald Trump. He is a legitimate threat to win the nomination, and essentially an insatiable media whore, willing to say whatever keeps … Read more

Obama delivers final State of the Union address

Well, our esteemed president’s final State of the Union address was last night. It was full of self-congratulatory pap, false dilemmas, and comically insincere appeals for civility in our discourse. So, it was a standard Obama speech. It wouldn’t take a particularly clever software program to write them at this point. I don’t like what … Read more