Thursday miscellanea #619

Soon both of our children will be at the Capstone! Got back this afternoon from Aaron’s Bama Bound orientation. He’s excited about going. I’m excited for him. (And it really wasn’t a super-long day, and Tuscaloosa is an easy road trip, but sheesh, I’m tired. In an old man kind of way!) Lea and I … Read more

As the United Methodist Church splits, a letter to our congregation

My pastor, spiritual advisor, and friend David Tubbs and I have discussed LGBTQ+ issues and the church for quite some time, and at some length. He first asked me to address the Good Shepherd congregation several years ago as the United Methodist Church wrestled with these questions. Given that the actual changes are only now … Read more

Review: ZENB Pasta

We don’t eat a lot of yellow peas in the United States, but they’re a thing. They enjoy some prominence in Persian and Indian cuisines. And they’re the only ingredient in ZENB pasta. I’ve never had a better-for-me pasta that I liked well enough to genuinely consider eating regularly. (Longtime readers who remember Christy’s noodles: … Read more