Three environmental concerns that worry me more than global warming

Bill Nye made headlines this week dropping F-bombs about global warming. (This post is a good entry into what I’ve had to say about climate change on Here are three things that concern me more: Factory farming. I have written before of the extensive animal welfare concerns embodied in the way we raise most … Read more

Lithium-ion batteries—in phones, in cars—sometimes blow up

Of the several rechargeable battery technologies we have, lithium-ion batteries run a whole bunch of stuff. Your phone almost certainly has one in it. Electric and hybrid cars largely rely on them. This makes sense. Lithium-ion batteries are reasonably durable and perform well, with good capacity, charge times, and so forth. There’s just one thing … Read more

Behold #TheNubbin! #IndyCar’s Advanced Frontal Protection (#AFP) device to be fitted for 2019 #Indy500

Beginning with the 2019 Indianapolis 500, all of the Dallara DW12 IndyCar bodies will include the Advanced Frontal Protection device, or AFP for short. The AFP is a roughly trapezoidal, three-inch-tall, three-quarters-of-an-inch wide piece of titanium mounted on the centerline of the car, directly in front of the driver. It is meant to deflect debris … Read more