Upward party at Tommy’s Pizza

The boys played their last games of the 2009-2010 Upward basketball season yesterday.  Nathan’s season-end party was this afternoon.  We don’t keep score, but if we did, the Rattlers would have won all of their games this season except yesterday’s. This is Nathan’s third year to play for Scott (“Coach T”), and he does a … Read more

Tim Tebow and his mother advocate domestic violence!

The polarizing abortion commercial staring Tim Tebow and his mother aired early in the Super Bowl broadcast last night.  Backstory here. Oh, but you know what?  Turned out the commercial was light, funny, and never mentioned anything any more controversial than “worry”: So all of the intolerant liberals making somber proclamations and finger-wagging response videos … Read more

Saints win Super Bowl XLIV

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints, Super Bowl XLIV champions!  Awesome!  Couldn’t believe how low the halftime score was.  And how about that pick-six? I was delighted to be a part of the power circle at Saintseester‘s house.  She and her seester are headed to NOLA to take big, big bites of the festivities.  I … Read more
