45. Donald J. Trump, 2017-

I hope that in Donald Trump, we have a uniter; a champion for all Americans. I hope that the people I respect who actively supported and campaigned for him—both of my personal acquaintance and not, and there are many of each—were, and are, more correct than I can possibly imagine. I hope that the people I … Read more

The endless Trumpoplexy is getting old. Perhaps some context?

Look, I get it. It’s displeasing and disturbing, all the way around, but it’s reality. Some substantial number of Americans decided to put a narcissistic jackass with a questionable past and minimal experience in the White House. But his eight years are nearly up, and the republic has survived. Have a good weekend.

“Now baby, listen, it’s not like that…”

Dudes and dolls, I always feel a little sheepish when I come back to you after an unexplained, longer-than-customary absence. “Now baby, listen, it’s not like that…” I hear myself saying in my head as you accuse me of burning my discursive oil elsewhere. (Or “dipping my nib”? Too provocative?) We’ve actually been pretty busy. We … Read more
