North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force now on Twitter
The North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force now has a Twitter account. Come follow us!
The North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force now has a Twitter account. Come follow us!
I have never liked Roy Moore. Whatever common political ground I have with him has always been far overshadowed by his ignorance and boorish behavior. I was, nevertheless, prepared to vote for him in the December 12 special election. Chances are excellent that President Trump will nominate another Supreme Court justice, and despite my differences … Read more
Urcel Staples, a retired Department of Homeland Security agent, will give a talk/Q&A at the University of Alabama in Huntsville Thursday, November 16, from 6 to 8 pm, at the Conference Training Center (Exhibit Hall) on the UAH campus. Sponsored by the North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force and the UAH Office of Diversity and … Read more