Hoping Obamacare’s Waterloo is imminent

It’s been a while since I have, but I’m pretty weary of blogging about Obamacare.  Hopefully there will soon be little further need. Our esteemed president, despite the opposition of a substantial majority of American citizens, is bringing essentially the failed Senate plan to Thursday’s “health care summit.”  Moreover, there are rumblings that he and … Read more

No new taxes on families making less than $250,000 (well, unless we really need them)

During the campaign Barack Obama made many, many promises.  He’s a hopey-changey guy, and hopey-changey guys do that.  He is the one we’ve been waiting for. Oh, but shucksdarnitalltohell, it turns out that on the ground, he’s exactly the same old rotten politician SOB, made worse by generous ladlings of Chicago strongarm mentality and arrogance. … Read more
