Media bias is to be dissected, not bludgeoned

As part of my university curriculum, I studied media bias extensively. With a degree in communication arts, I took courses like mass media, history of rhetoric, and persuasion. The largest media event while I was in college was Desert Storm. The web wasn’t yet a factor, but we’d had news channels like CNN for a … Read more

And to think that I saw it in And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street

Yesterday Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced it will no longer publish six Dr. Seuss books, including And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street and If I Ran The Zoo, because of perceived racist imagery. Mulberry Street contains an illustration of an Asian man wearing a conical hat and using chopsticks, while If I … Read more

Rush Limbaugh dead at 70

“Talent on loan from God.” Talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh succumbed to his lung cancer this morning. He was 70 years old. The impact that Rush had on (particularly AM) radio is impossible to overstate. He’s also an excellent manifestation of what I often say about Garry Kasparov:  I don’t know whether he’s the best … Read more