Astronauts are cool, and that’s enough

It’s unlikely any community anywhere has a more positive impression of the space shuttle program than the Huntsville area. Marshall Space Flight Center is here, as is the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Spaceflight is in the water. Indeed, I work in an old NASA building, and it’s certain some giants of the program have … Read more


I couldn’t care less about the Olympics. I can’t remember a time when that wasn’t so. Hell, they played soccer 90 miles south of my house in the ’96 Olympics, and I couldn’t be bothered even then. I’m pretty sure the vaunted Games are never coming to Huntsville, so that was almost certainly the best … Read more

Dark and Stormy weekend redux

Ah, dammit. I’ve tried for an hour or so, but I’m fumbling about badly with most anything I try to write about the weekend, so I think I won’t try much longer. However, Mrs. Chili is slappin’ the play-by-play out of the park over at The Blue Door. If you’re interested in our weekend adventure, … Read more