Olympics redux

I blogged about the Olympics once already. Don’t think much of them. I find them a sprawling manifestation of hypocrisy and corruption, and I think they have the entertainment value of an insurance seminar. As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about them is that they’ll end a few days before the college football … Read more


I couldn’t care less about the Olympics. I can’t remember a time when that wasn’t so. Hell, they played soccer 90 miles south of my house in the ’96 Olympics, and I couldn’t be bothered even then. I’m pretty sure the vaunted Games are never coming to Huntsville, so that was almost certainly the best … Read more

Thursday miscellanea #137

Gabrielle Giffords had more successful surgery this week, just after attending her husband’s shuttle launch.  Her progress is remarkable, is it not? Let’s put UFO’s Strangers in the Night near the top of the list of albums I should have been relishing for the past three decades, but only added to my consciousness a month … Read more
