Thursday miscellanea #109

Sunday was the fourth anniversary of WmWms.  Thank you so much for reading, ladies and gentlemen.  I appreciate it. A quick search reveals that I’ve mentioned Nancy Sinatra exactly twice in that four years.  What a shame.  I’ll fix that soon. Is a night of Wii bowling with the boys any less fun than it … Read more

Review: The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Dr. Heiter, a surgeon renowned for his work with Siamese twins, decides he’d really like to sew three people together, using their mouths and anuses as the junctions. Yes, that’s right.  The Human Centipede (First Sequence) is a real contender for feel-good picture of the year. So the good doctor lives in the German countryside, … Read more

Obama to America: You’re not thinking clearly

I’ve written a time or two recently of my decreased affection for political argument, in terms of really getting into it and enjoying the give-and-take.  It’s hard to enjoy the give-and-take when you believe your opponent advocates the destruction of the American way of life, whether s/he realizes it or not; or “walks around believing … Read more