My stepbrother’s love for televised golf

Feel the love! The scene: Dad’s house, right after Easter dinner. Dad: Hey, let’s watch the Masters! (changes channel)Chris: Golf on television? Seriously?Dad: My house, my TV (good-naturedly).Chris: (sigh) Dad: OK, what do you want to do instead?Chris: Well, we could all go slam our penises in the car door.

I smell a kid who will always be last-named

Now I’m sure some college football prospects get big heads and develop attitude problems. It’s an egotistical business, after all. But you reckon this guy’s got any additional fuel for that fire? Original here. Thanks to Corry for the word. And speaking of Corry, a just-light-enough-for-me-to-get-away-with-saying-I-was-kidding punch on the shoulder to him for hoisting Dolly … Read more

SEC head football coach most likely to…

We here at the WmWms offices have taken a little yearbook-style poll (and by “we” I mean “I,” and by “at the WmWms offices” I mean “sitting in my recliner,” and by “taken a…poll” I mean “made stuff up”) on all of the current SEC head football coaches. Most Likely to Bust Through the Wall … Read more