My day appreciating Chick-fil-A

Because I am pro-business, pro-First Amendment, and pro-tasty sandwiches, I had breakfast at the Madison Chick-fil-A today.  Here’s my view before 6:30 this morning (ninth car back): Glad to get in first thing.  Shortly after noon, Madison police were actively warning people off the area because traffic was backed up in both directions. Because we … Read more

On free enterprise, Romney must hit our divider-in-chief and keep hitting

On the way back from lunch with Saintseester earlier this week, I unloaded on her my frustration at all of the factors combining to give this Bain Capital nonsense gravity.  Then I encountered something Jay Nordlinger had to say about it, and felt better: Obama and his team are talking nonsense about outsourcing and other … Read more