The New York Times Magazine on Rush Limbaugh

The New York Times Magazine just published an engaging profile of Rush Limbaugh. Check it out. I don’t listen to talk radio much anymore, though when I do, it’s usually Rush. Despite large swathes of disagreement, I find him consistently entertaining. Moreover, I appreciate his articulate cases for areas where we do agree, such as … Read more

Happy Independence Day

Today is the 232nd birthday of a nation founded by a group of people who thought, then sustainedly acted upon, the notion that “things don’t have to be this way.” Have a marvelous Independence Day, dear readers.  My plans are to count blessings, grill out, and enjoy a goodly portion of consumer-grade explosives.  I hope … Read more

Particle accelerator to destroy Earth

So do you know about the Large Hadron Collider? It’s an enormous atom-smasher that’s about to go live, 330 feet beneath parts of France and Switzerland.  It may ultimately cost $10 billion. There’s some concern that it’s going to make a black hole that will swallow the earth, or make some little killer bits called … Read more