Olympics redux

I blogged about the Olympics once already. Don’t think much of them. I find them a sprawling manifestation of hypocrisy and corruption, and I think they have the entertainment value of an insurance seminar. As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about them is that they’ll end a few days before the college football … Read more


So a triumvirate of ex-Googlers unleashed Cuil (pronounced “cool”; it’s Gaelic for knowledge) three days ago.  It’s a new search engine that claims to do a better job with content and relevance, and also claims the largest index out there. Had a problem with Google searches lately?  Yeah, me either.  But Google is a scary-ass … Read more

Obama dons combat boots, stomps baby bunny rabbits to death

Somebody forwarded me some “vital” information today that described, in some detail, how Barack Obama snubbed U.S. troops in Afghanistan recently. (Here is the snopes.com debunking.) Also, did you know that ABC News is deliberately suppressing coverage of our troops who support John McCain? Except they’re not. (Here is the snopes.com debunking.) Folks, dig: there … Read more
