Sarah Palin continues to energize base

Sarah Palin today continued her revitalization of the Republican base with new campaign activities and practices designed to further acquaint her with the voting public.  “These new initiatives will give the citizens a personal view into what I’m all about,” Palin laughed ominously.  They include: Exciting new weekly contests, available exclusively on McCain’s official campaign … Read more

Albert Einstein’s watch

I’m told I’m difficult to buy gifts for, and I believe it.  I rarely know what to tell people when they ask. Well, this Christmas your problems are solved.  Albert Einstein’s Longines wristwatch is up for auction on October 16 (hat tip, Watchismo Times).  (Incidentally, there are some exceptional close photographs of several additional fine … Read more

The weather has broken

It’s 63 ºF here and dropping.  Jealous? We got teased about a week and a half ago, but this feels like it for real.  The heat is gone. Kill the air conditioner—in the house and in the car. This Saturday, Alabama at Arkansas is at 11:30.  Florida at Tennessee is at 2:30.  And LSU at … Read more