“Until they shove it in my face” indicates bigotry, not tolerance

“I’m fine with whatever people want to do and whoever they want to do it with until they shove it in my face.”

If that’s part of your repertoire, you may comfort yourself with it because you believe it sounds tolerant.

It does not.

Furthermore, it’s borderline nonsensical, because anytime I’ve asked anyone to explain “shove it in my face,” generally what follows are words and deeds indistinguishable from those that the utterer finds perfectly acceptable when carried out by cisgender heterosexual people.

So “in my face” seems to mean “where I can see it.” Nope; no good.

If you can’t find it in you to be loving and supportive, try this:

“I don’t understand it, but that’s okay, because it’s not mine to understand.”

That gives you something true and unbigoted to say when you feel like you just have to say something.

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2 thoughts on ““Until they shove it in my face” indicates bigotry, not tolerance”

  1. Well said. I will never understand why people are so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom, how other people experience/express their gender or how other people live their lives, when it affects them not at all. Mind your own business. It’s in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 4:11) And be kind. Isn’t that in the Bible too? Love your neighbor as you love yourself.


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