Whither Trump?

President Trump has not yet indicated that he will concede the presidential race.

At the same time, even given all of his readily demonstrable mental shortcomings, I don’t think he’s quite obtuse enough to ride this out to the Secret Service escorting him out the afternoon of January 20.

I’ve not yet seen any credible source that even suggests any of his legal maneuverings will make any difference in the election results. So, I’m thoroughly confident Trump is the lamest of ducks, and that we will experience 46. Joe Biden (2021- ) in a scant two months and change.

So what do you think Trump will do with himself between now and then?

Well, I think he’ll probably bloviate for a while longer about the election as if he can undo the result. I think we’ll have another solid week of that, frankly.

After it’s clear that the “superficially” legitimate result cannot be undone, I think we’ll have some shadow games about the various conspiratorial organizations that sought to remove him—you know, the uber-powerful cabals and cadres that operate behind the scenes, and to which us mere mortals are not privy. I expect this to be implied, not explicitly expressed.

And then we’ll have solid acknowledgment.

We’ll see an uncooperative bit or two with the incoming administration. We may see a questionable pardon or two.

And then, the afternoon of January 20 will come and go. President Biden. Vice President Harris.

And Donald J. Trump will simply be a rude, boorish man—as opposed to a rude, boorish president.

And I expect a proportionate adjustment in his press coverage.

Mr. Trump, you are spectacularly ill-suited to make one damned bit of political difference after you leave office. Know why?

Nobody likes an asshole.

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