David L. Bahnsen assesses the Trump presidency…and looks forward

David L. Bahnsen has written a comprehensive and thought-provoking assessment of the Trump presidency. I encourage you to read it. It is both praising and damning, where either is indicated. It also looks to the future.

I had in mind a similar (though much shorter and less rigorous) piece for just before the inauguration, but the armed storming of the U.S. Capitol used up all of the oxygen I had rationed for such.

I never voted for Trump. I nearly always found him distasteful. Frequently I thought he was dangerous. And since Election Day, and particularly on January 6, I’ve found his behavior detestable and sickening.

(And the past tense will be real in less than 48 hours, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t make me happy.)

But I’m interested in a path forward for the GOP. And a Republican Party that is any sort of effective counter to the Democrats must include both former Trump supporters and detractors.

To be sure, given the behavior of our elected officials over the past decade or two, there is little in evidence to indicate there’s anything to build here (unless you talk to the staunchest Trump supporters, who are wholly convinced that their god-king will run the GOP after Wednesday afternoon).

The other side of that? I’ve sat through multiple GOP funerals in my life.

The only thing Bahnsen doesn’t really address is how to get the hardest-core Trump sycophants to listen to anything else, because I’m here to tell you, it’s extremely difficult. As a communicator, I’m taking that on as a challenge, and research is ongoing.

For now, though I’m not a Biden fan, I’m looking forward to a little politics as usual. I think we all could use a swallow or two of that, whether we realize it or not.

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