COVID-19 numbers flattening; cue people losing their minds

I need one hand to show the number of different places I’ve been in the past five weeks. I would barely need both hands and both feet to show you the number of minutes I was in those places combined.

I’ve been staying at home. Most folks have. And the COVID-19 numbers for a lot of places, including Alabama, are looking much better. Fewer infections. Fewer deaths. Fewer of each projected.

This is fantastic news, but it’s too early to cease our containment measures. Lots of people want to do that. I saw the perfect analogy on Facebook today:  the parachute has slowed my descent, so now it’s time to take it off!

No. It’s not. All we’ve established is that our containment strategies have been largely effective. And I understand the eagerness to get out and get the economy going again.

But can you imagine how devastating it would be to get out there too soon and have to do this again immediately?

Patience. We’ll get there soon enough, dudes and dolls.

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