Checking in…from home, where else?

Sorry things have sucked here at lately. I don’t know what to write about. Few of my customary inputs are intact.

I went to Best Buy today to get a magicJack. The Best Buy curbside service model is nice. My only regret was that I didn’t have the foresight to time my trip with a Stanlieo’s pickup order.

It was my first time to leave the house since last Saturday afternoon, when Sunday’s weather forecast spooked me and I went out for generator gas.

I do OK with being home, mostly, though I notice my coping mechanisms being a little more taxed than usual. Too, funny thing is, there really is some comically bizarre shit that has gone down that I can’t talk about, but that will pass in due time.

(It’s an interesting experiment to test your stress surge capacity when you’re running at about 50% as a baseline instead of a usual 10-15%.)

We’re all good. Lea and I are successfully teleworking. The boys are fine. My beard is epic, and getting more so every day, which is why I don’t want to take a photo too early.

It’s only this week felt to me like we might be past halfway in the Great COVID-19 Shutdown of 2020. Most of the country’s numbers have receded aggressively. I think I personally know only one person who’s definitely had the disease. Hannah and I were colleagues for about a year. It’s alarming how hard it hit her, because she was/is consistently aggressive about good health. But maybe just another couple of weeks with this level of precaution in place?

I have to see about sushi and pho soon.

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