Conservative anger with Chick-fil-A is misguided

Citing an agreement that committed it through 2018, Chick-fil-A announced Monday it would not give to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army going forward.

Beginning in 2020, Chick-fil-A will give to a smaller number of organizations focusing on education, homelessness, and hunger.


…the Foundation will no longer make multiyear commitments and will reassess its philanthropic partnerships annually to allow maximum impact. These partners could include faith-based and non-faith-based charities.

So this is being interpreted by some as Chick-fil-A said it would stop donating to groups perceived as anti-gay, but then backtracked with this “faith-based” inclusion.

That this upsets hordes of shrieking malcontents is not surprising. In many liberal eyes, Chick-fil-A has been evil incarnate for far too long, and there is no path to redemption for them.

I am surprised, however, at the number of conservative and faith-based groups who are viewing this as some sort of half-hearted capitulation; a surrender to the mob. It is nothing of the sort. A tight focus on education, homelessness, and hunger is entirely consistent with a Christian world view.

Chick-fil-A was a significant force for charitable good before this announcement, and it will continue to be so going forward. To dissect this announcement looking for reasons to be mad is no more sensible than the manufactured basis on which people have hated Chick-fil-A.

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