Harmony Park Safari customer relations found severely lacking

This post has been updated since initial publication.

Harmony Park Safari, basically a drive-through interactive zoo south of Huntsville proper, has been on my to-do list. Just haven’t gotten around to it. Not sure I will now.

According to the woman in this video, the man on this golf cart (who refers to “the owners” in the third person, but is widely referred to as an owner in Facebook comments) hit her vehicle and caused a minor amount of damage. When she seeks a conversation with him about it, this is what happens.

As I type, Harmony Park Safari’s Facebook page is racking up negative comments and reviews at a blistering pace. They have not responded to the video or comments at all. I will continue to monitor and update this post with any response they eventually have.

My generally plainspoken nature notwithstanding, I’m really not a big fan of going off on a local business on the intertubes. And I understand that there are two sides to every story, and he deserves to be heard on this.

That said, I cannot imagine anything remotely plausible that could have preceded this exchange that would justify it.

It’s an uglier world now, and it’s been made so partially by a million slings and arrows of this nature. Extending basic respect to people costs nothing, folks.

I strongly suspect that on the bottom line, he’s going to wish he’d just paid to have a bumper cover painted.

UPDATE: This WHNT story suggests the above video might be consistent with a longstanding pattern of behavior. Also, this new front page from the Harmony Park Safari web site has appeared since the above video went viral. Is it perhaps an oblique attempt to reshape the narrative?

To my knowledge, there has been no other public response from park ownership or management.

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4 thoughts on “Harmony Park Safari customer relations found severely lacking”

  1. Is he confirmed to be an owner? Could he be mentally challenged? Seriously I am not passing judgement until I know more facts. I am completely sick of the “let’s run people out of their livelyhood” as a mob mentality reaction to every slight. I will take a breath and wait.

    • ‘seester, I sympathize with your sentiment, but I disclaimed to that effect about all I can muster.

      If there is an innocuous explanation for this video, they’ve certainly done a piss-poor job getting it out there. Throwing WHNT off the property an hour ago wasn’t very productive either.

  2. Makes you question the kangaroo story almost a year ago. I recall the lady saying the same thing. The park owners were rude to her. Does anyone have an update on the Kangaroo incident? Lawsuit? Someone mentioned on social media there was a lawsuit filed. Follow up?

    There seems to be a pattern with this place.

    • I did not remember the kangaroo story, and I haven’t heard any updates to it. I’ve certainly heard and read many people chime in about this man’s attitude and demeanor toward the public in general. And his sustained and continued lack of contrition remains very impressive, don’t you think?


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