No, Obama will not seat another Supreme Court justice

It is ludicrous to suggest that Barack Obama should let his successor nominate Antonin Scalia’s replacement to the U.S. Supreme Court.

It is also ludicrous to suppose that the Senate will confirm such a nominee.

Finally, it is most ludicrous of all to be outraged by any of this.

I think Rich Lowry’s editorial mostly nails it. We have not had a president in my lifetime who values a good relationship with Congress less than Obama does. He has told us through his actions and words throughout his time in office that he, in fact, drips with contempt for them. Now he’s going to be horrified that they won’t play ball?

Furthermore, if this were a Republican president in his last year and a Democratic Senate, is anyone going to tell me with a straight face that Harry Reid would be eager to confirm a nominee, out of respect for the Constitution?

This is going down exactly like I said above. It is what it is, and it would be no different were the Ds and Rs after folks’ names reversed. If you believe it would, you’re a fool.

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