Mr. President, lead

We need a productive and fruitful conversation on the increasing militarization of police forces.

We need a productive and fruitful conversation on police forces and race.

We can accomplish none of the above without first stopping a city of more than 20,000 people from tearing itself to pieces.

President Obama, this is sustained civil unrest on American soil. Amnesty International is there, for goodness sake. You don’t send your thug attorney general to “investigate.” You use all of the power of your position to stop the violence. That is not issuing a statement. That is not coming in for a few “high level meetings” before jetting back to Martha’s Vineyard.

How about a heartfelt address to the nation, urging your commitment to progress but also insisting that Americans stop fighting Americans?

It’s as if you either don’t realize how serious this is, or you’re measuring your responses against political consequences. But this is no time for such calculation. We could wake up to read that 50 people died overnight in an all-out riot. We could wake up to ten city blocks burning out of control.

Everyone must stop. There is no other next step.

Mr. President, lead.

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2 thoughts on “Mr. President, lead”

  1. Too much of an adolescent who doesn’t want to do his homework but would rather party and thumb his nose at the mean, racist people who say he’s not Mr. Wonderful. I would have liked for him to have been at least half as upset at the Foley beheading video as he was about the Mohammed video that supposedly triggered the Benghazi attack.

    • Total disaster. The least competent president of my lifetime, and it isn’t close.

      I’ve begun watching carefully for people of my personal acquaintance who still say Barack Obama is doing a bang-up job.


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