Inanimate object destroyed; twelve people murdered

I see 12 more infidels were savagely murdered in the name of Allah today.

Lest you think this was just senseless brutality, know that this is in direct response to some idiot burning a Koran.

So, you know, there you go.

Yesterday I read an interview with Bill Bennett and Seth Leibsohn, authors of the new book The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam.  K-Lo does a great job getting succinct answers that give a good survey of the radical Islam problem we’re all facing (and you are, whether you believe it or not).  Please read the interview—it’s excellent—and then consider whether you’d like to add the book to your stack.  I believe I will.

Seven (or maybe eight) of the victims today were United Nations workers.  Dare I hope that today’s tragedy might represent traction toward clarity?  Alas, given that organization’s history of being beyond self-parody, probably not.  This’ll be rationalized into politically correct smithereens by tomorrow afternoon.

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