Radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee shot and killed by police

Radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was shot and killed by police today, a few hours after he took hostages at 1 Discovery Center in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was well known to Discovery Channel employees because of his history of protesting the network’s environmental programming.  A manifesto advocating human sterilization and infertility has been linked to radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee.  It is further reported that radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was inspired by Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth, as well as Ishmael, a novel by Daniel Quinn.

In February 2008, radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was arrested outside the same building and charged with disorderly conduct.  A month or so later, radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was again arrested outside the building and charged with littering.

Radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee’s brother-in-law Thomas Leonard said that radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee had been “darker” lately, and also said he believed that radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee was capable of killing.

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2 thoughts on “Radical left-wing eco-terrorist James Lee shot and killed by police”

  1. Oh, wait. I’m sorry. Is it offensive to imply causality between some lunatic’s perceived politics and his crimes? Gee, I’ll try to remember that in the future. I’m sure all of the media outlets of the world will join me.


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