Banal kvetching

I was out of alignment yesterday.  It was much too easy for me to get off in the weeds and pissed off about something, and much too hard for me to get back. So I texted Saintseester last night from Aaron’s soccer practice (which began 10 minutes late, ended 20 minutes late, and occurred in … Read more

Everybody Draw Mohammed Day is May 20

Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris has declared May 20 Everybody Draw Mohammed Day—a response to Comedy Central’s recent unfortunate decision to cave to threats in the name of Islam and heavily censor an episode of South Park. Quoting Andrew Mellon at The bottom line is that the First Amendment guarantees free speech including criticism of … Read more

Howdy from Talladega!

Just kidding. I haven’t been in 25 years or so, but I’m still sure I’ve done it enough to last me the rest of my life. Last week I read a good article about the decline of NASCAR. Mind, it’s still big, but it’s popped a bit.  For one thing, the economy has hit the … Read more