Dear Oprah Winfrey:

I dislike Barack Obama because he is incompetent. His entire life, he has drifted airily upward on a current of class envy, anti-capitalism, and liberal vapidity. He now holds the most powerful executive position in the world, despite never having demonstrated the slightest aptitude for running anything whatsoever.

I dislike Barack Obama because he is anti-American. He alienates allies and coddles enemies. He shouts the perceived sins of the United States from the mountaintops, and whispers her generosities and other triumphs of spirit in passing, if he deigns to mention them at all. He detests individual liberty. He actively fosters dependence on the government while punishing achievement. He drips with contempt for self-reliance.

I dislike Barack Obama because he is arrogant. He is the one we’ve been waiting for. He will halt the rise of the oceans. He won. “Reagan wouldn’t sit here like this.” His position is correct. All others are radical, dangerous, or anti-American.

I dislike Barack Obama because he is dishonest. He actively lied for more than four years about the real effects of his signature “accomplishment.” He owes the American people a full accounting of Benghazi, of IRS targeting of politically conservative groups, and of spying on the American people, to scratch the surface of a very long list. No critical thinker believes him innocent or ignorant of wrongdoing in these serious matters. No critical thinker believes these lies had nothing to do with the 2012 election results.

I dislike you, Ms. Winfrey, because you are disingenuous. You are trying to churn guilt and victimhood as attempted cover for the substantial failings of the worst President of the United States ever.

It had not occurred to me to dislike either one of you for being black.

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