On free enterprise, Romney must hit our divider-in-chief and keep hitting

On the way back from lunch with Saintseester earlier this week, I unloaded on her my frustration at all of the factors combining to give this Bain Capital nonsense gravity.  Then I encountered something Jay Nordlinger had to say about it, and felt better:

Obama and his team are talking nonsense about outsourcing and other economic matters. Romney should say, more or less straightforwardly, “These people are total ignoramuses when it comes to business. They know nothing. They wouldn’t know a real payroll if it bit them in the butt. Free enterprise is completely foreign to them. They know ACORN, they know lawsuits, they know ‘community organizing,’ whatever that is. But they know nothing about an economy, and this is the knowledge we desperately need now.”

What’s more, “they have no sympathy for the employer — for the job-creator or wealth-creator. More than anything, we need the boot of government off the employer’s throat. Government cannot employ and provide for everyone under the sun. We need a private sector. The Obama people have no respect for that. Indeed, they seem to regard businessmen and entrepreneurs as the enemy.”

Great stuff, but Romney has to take the gloves all the way off.  Getting to be about that time, sir.

We have the antithesis of a businessman in the White House.  We have a president who has absolutely no idea where a dollar comes from—indeed, a person I suspect would have trouble accurately describing what a dollar even is.

We have a president whose worship of the glorious state apparently extends to imagining it the font from which the spirits of entrepreneurship and innovation spring:

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.” – Barack Obama

I wonder if any have his handlers have since gone over the history of the Internet with him?  Nah, no need.  No one who would challenge The One’s declarations on such is of any concern.

Folks, Barack Obama’s plan—his entire plan, because he has no accomplishment on which he can run—is to pit us against one another.  It’s class warfare; it’s phantom racism; it’s inventing a war on women; it’s the mean old GOP pushing Grandma off the cliff.  And he’s hoping there’ll be enough pieces for him to pick up to squeak over the finish line again.  Every time Obama opens his mouth, he’s divisive.  Listen for it, and you’ll be amazed.  He has no positive message.  He has only “us vs. them,” and “them” is always Americans.

It’s “leadership,” 21st-century liberal style.

And it’s critically important we end it in three and a half months.

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3 thoughts on “On free enterprise, Romney must hit our divider-in-chief and keep hitting”

  1. I had something clever and important to add to this, but the dog just farted and I lost my train of thought.

    Have you seen the ad Obama put out today or yesterday saying Mitt misquoted him? Then there’s a clip of Obama saying a different thing, followed by a clip of Obama saying EXACTLY what Romney quoted.

  2. But if you keep repeating something, it must be troo.

    Rush made an excellent point the other day while talking about Sununu’s press conference. Basically, it boiled down to the fact that Romney et al can say whatever they want, make whatever points they want to make, drag out witness after witness and make fabulous point after fabulous point, but it’s all for naught.

    Because the media won’t cover it. What passes for journalism in this day and age has been bought hook line and sinker and your average Joe or Jane will never get the message. We who poke around for this information will find it, but we’re sadly the majority. Joe and Jane will be endlessly bombarded with whatever spin They want to put on things.

  3. Kelly, it’s the depressing reality.

    I think our only hope might be that Obama doesn’t play defense well. He’ll blunder several more times. Maybe one will be significant enough to swing it.


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