Senator Nelson sells his vote

Senator Ben Nelson had held up the Senate version of “health care reform” with objections of principle, concerning federal funding of abortion.  He jettisoned said principles in exchange for having the federal government pick up the tab for all of Nebraska’s future Medicaid cost increases.  (Remember, “the federal government” = “you.”  That’s your money.)  Now … Read more

Tick, tock, tick, tock…

I have officially begun entertaining plausible fantasies of running out the clock on “health care reform.” The Scream unloaded on the Senate mess today, calling it “an insurance company’s dream.”  Senator Rockefeller fired back at the esteemed Dr. Dean, saying of his commentary “It’s nonsense and it’s irresponsible and coming from him as a physician, … Read more

American “spies” to stand trial in Iran

Remember those three Americans of questionable judgment who went hiking near the Iraq-Iran border and were arrested by Iranian forces?  They have been formally charged with espionage and will stand trial. There is concern—well-founded, methinks—that the Iranians will attempt to use these prisoners as bargaining chips for their nuclear program.  Our esteemed president must avoid … Read more