Tick, tock, tick, tock…


I have officially begun entertaining plausible fantasies of running out the clock on “health care reform.”

The Scream unloaded on the Senate mess today, calling it “an insurance company’s dream.”  Senator Rockefeller fired back at the esteemed Dr. Dean, saying of his commentary “It’s nonsense and it’s irresponsible and coming from him as a physician, it’s stunning.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Reid’s yanking this and that out of the bill to make Lieberman happy, causing other Democrats to rain rhetorical blows upon both of their heads.

Now he’s calmer, so all is forgiven.

Senator Nelson is hardly all in.

Want to see video of Senator Baucus with his back against the wall, forced to observe aloud that no one understands the bill?

I love the sound of chaos at the Capitol.  Congressional inactivity tends to be more consistent with liberty.

And sheesh, I know that the will of the people is hardly any concern at all Up There anymore, but on the current bill (whatever that is):  Rasmussen currently shows 56% opposed, 46% strongly opposed, and only 19% strongly favoring.

So Christmas is about to lop off another big chunk of calendar, but oh my goodness, does The One ever want to crow about health care reform being passed in his State of the Union address on January 12.  How’s that looking to you?

How long into 2010 before it’s full-on campaign season for these nitwits?  How many votes in the balance on this crap?

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6 thoughts on “Tick, tock, tick, tock…”

  1. Did you see the report that the Nebraska senator was threatened with the placement of Offutt on the Base Closure list? Nevermind the strategic importance of whatever the purpose of that base is, we’ll just use it as a political pawn because we have no earthly idea what the military does anyway.

  2. WOW. No, I hadn’t heard that.

    I sympathize with a mutual friend of ours when he says “not a dime’s worth of difference” in reference to Republocrats, because neither party has any respect at all for the Constitution anymore.

    But–BUT! there is better and worse. I think the possibility of a Libertarian takeover of the Beltway in my lifetime is remote, to be charitable. But I can vote “better.”

    (Actually, I think my dad had it right when I was in college and discussing politics with him, and he said “I almost don’t give a damn as long as the White House and Congress aren’t held by the same party.”) Smart guy, that one.

  3. I love the arrogance these assholes throw off and the total disregard for the folks they are representing. We’re just a bunch of dumbass morons anyway, I mean, why should they worry about reading and understanding the DAMN bill???? God, they are killing me. They just scoff at us. And now they are threatening each other with “working” on Christmas Day. Oh please. Just gag me. They don’t work the other 364 days, so why the hell should Christmas Day matter?


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