Doesn’t the anti-Arizona rhetoric make you proud?

So you might have heard a little something about Arizona’s new law, intended to curb illegal immigration.  As Rich Lowry rightly points out, Arizona is only seeking to enforce the existing immigration policy of the United States.  (The federal government might try it sometime.)  Here are a few reactions: Cardinal Roger Mahony “can’t imagine Arizonans … Read more

A solution “to a crisis we did not create, and which the federal government has refused to address.”

So says Arizona governor Jan Brewer about the illegal immigration bill she just signed into law. My favorite part of the early fallout is that Mexico is warning that the new law “could affect cross-border relations.”  Now just what the hell does that mean?  Exactly what carrots are our neighbors to the south currently giving … Read more

Less tolerant

I blogged about tolerance once.  I don’t much care for the word when it’s used to describe the desired end state of how one person feels about another.  I prefer acceptance for that. You know, though, I’ve been considering that I’m less polemically tolerant than I once was.  I’ve been a big “respect all views” … Read more