The Second Amendment survives

Demonstrating adequate reading comprehension skills, five Supreme Court justices today ruled that the Chicago handgun ban is unconstitutional. Here’s to a blow against the alarmingly successful radicalization of firearms.  (Suit me just fine to return to a day in which a fellow carrying a pistol would be no more unusual than him carrying a handkerchief.) … Read more

Bob Etheridge (D-NC) should resign immediately

Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-NC) has been recorded causing a physical confrontation with college students who asked him on the street whether he fully supported the Obama agenda. I’ve waited all day to watch the footage, and expected to be amused.  That’s really not my reaction.  I’m surprised, and frankly, it’s a little scary.  This doesn’t … Read more

“James, quite frankly, we’re not often confronted with people that want to insist on giving money back…”

Remember James O’Keefe, the fellow who made the ACORN videos that ultimately ended that organization’s federal funding?  His latest is to get a job with the Census Bureau and to try to record his time accurately. But no one will let him.  Everyone insists that he must be paid for an hour or two or … Read more