“…we were going to do the right thing, even if short-term it was unpopular.” – Barack Obama

Hey, guess what?  It seems that three weeks from a historic midterm pasting, President Obama is realizing he has a serious problem with the electorate. Is it that we tire of his ceaseless arrogance?  That we resent his Chicago-style mob tactics?  That we find his ultra-leftist, hyper-intrusive “transformation” of America offensive and totally incompatible with … Read more

Citizen assaulted for filming John Kitzhaber campaign event

(Kitzhaber has been governor of Oregon, and is running again.) Wow, those Democrat activists don’t kid around.  I’m so glad to see a no-nonsense approach to keeping order at these “open to the public” meetings.  It’s far overdue, don’t you think?  Assault and battery?  Pish-tosh. Remember, though, it’s those fringe lunatics in the Tea Party … Read more
