Thank you, veterans
God bless your commitments and sacrifices in keeping the greatest country in the world free. Also, Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps, which turned 235 yesterday.
God bless your commitments and sacrifices in keeping the greatest country in the world free. Also, Happy Birthday to the United States Marine Corps, which turned 235 yesterday.
Isn’t it a fine morning? Don’t the colors and sounds seem a bit more intense? Didn’t your breakfast taste a little bit better? Thanks to staggering arrogance fueling sustained disregard of the will of the electorate, the Democrats have suffered the worst reversal in the House of Representatives since 1938. It was a bloodbath, dudes … Read more
“I don’t want my nation transformed. I was happy with it the way Ronald Reagan left it, plus or minus a few small tweaks. The principal thing I ask of federal politicians is to leave me the hell alone.” – John Derbyshire