I hope Obama is reelected in 2012!

See, I’ve been badly and sustainedly misinformed, and I believe it is possible for the federal government to create wealth. And/or, I’ve swallowed the ludicrous fiction that the rich aren’t paying their fair share. And/or, I am convinced that any environmental problems, real or imagined, can be legislated away by omniscient and endlessly caring Democrats, … Read more

Unintended consequences, or: how DC helped hook America on full-size SUVs

The full-size SUV has been around since the middle of the 20th century (or even longer, depending on how loosely you define the term).  However, it was a niche product until about 20 years ago, when it became one of the primary ways in which Americans move their families and friends around.  Screw minivans and … Read more
