Roy Scheider dead at 75

We lost a great Everyman today. He did “scared shitless, but dammit, we gotta get through this” as well as anyone, ladled with equal parts grit and humanity. Loved his Frank Murphy in Blue Thunder, as well as his Heywood Floyd in 2010. (And his Chief Brody, naturally.) RIP.

Chelsea to perform $2,300 “favors”?

MSNBC correspondent David Shuster was suspended recently for calling Chelsea Clinton “a hot little slut with a tight ass.”  He then went on to suggest that she might serve her mother’s campaign best “on her knees in the dressing rooms of a few fat-cat boosters, if you get my terms.” Oh, wait a minute.  That’s … Read more

Chaos, meteorological and circadian

The whole family spent a short-but-not-insignificantly-so time sitting on the floor in the master bathroom early this morning. From 3:20 to 3:45, maybe? I love northern Alabama, but as with anywhere, there are trade-offs. A big one here is that a time or three a year, your chances of being indiscriminately thrown hundreds of yards … Read more