Sarah Palin

Yeah, I didn’t know anything about her either. As I’ve had a minute here and there to learn more today, I’ve become more and more impressed with McCain’s selection of Alaska’s current governor as his running mate.  She’s a smart bomb.  As a gun-toting pro-lifer, she’ll quell a lot of social conservative unrest.  As a … Read more

Wednesday widow

Wednesday is garbage night in our neighborhood.  One of our two cans is outside.  When I absently reached for it tonight, I put my hand through a tangly spider web, and pulled it back quickly: Is that…?  Yup, looks like it could be.  Better investigate further.  Hmmm.  Don’t see anything on the outside of the … Read more

Ten tips to save fuel in your car

Fuel economy is on lots of folks’ minds these days.  Gasoline at or near $4 hurts in the pocketbook, and of course there is the larger problem of unchecked fossil fuel consumption’s negative effects on the environment. Thus, in the spirit of community-mindedness that permeates everything I do at, here are a few tips … Read more