ICEE appetite? Amen!

For at least three things I can recall, people say “a” when “an” would be correct.  Have you ever noticed that?  For all I know this is largely a Southern thing, though it is present in at least one #1 pop hit of the ’70s by a group that contains no members from the South. … Read more

Walloped at 5:30

I had a pretty good day at work, particularly for a Monday.  I have most of the answer to a problem that’s been bugging me for several days, and one of my favorite coworkers got pulled onto a project I’m working on. Man, did the day ever go to hell after I left.  I started … Read more

A Friday trip to the zoo

“Hey, why don’t you take a day that week off and we’ll take a day trip?” So came Lea’s request to me for this week of spring break, during which neither Nathan’s school nor Aaron’s preschool are in session. It’s a good idea, yes? So today was the day. Remembering a previously positive experience at … Read more