This morning Governor Kay Ivey introduced revised guidelines, dubbed “Safer at Home,” aimed at helping the economy while keeping public health the primary concern. The order goes into effect Thursday, April 30, at 5 pm and remains in effect until Friday, May 15, at 5 pm.

It relaxes, but does not remove, restrictions on non-essential retail stores and beaches. Restaurants remain take-out, curbside, or delivery only. Close-contact businesses—nail salons, barber shops, and the like—remain closed, as do gyms and health clubs.
I am pleased that Governor Ivey is taking this public health threat seriously, and I’m hopeful we will continue moving in the right direction on our COVID-19 numbers. As I type, the death number in Alabama isn’t really flattening yet. I hope we will see that soon.
I know there are people who are angry that Governor Ivey did not do more today. Please consider that as bad as these cautionary conditions have been for the economy, relaxing them too soon and having to immediately repeat them would be utterly catastrophic. We have to get this as right as we can, and I’m impressed with Governor Ivey’s principled, fact-based leadership.

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