Obama responds to Islamist violence by jettisoning First Amendment

In his annual love letter to America’s enemies speech to the UN, President Obama yesterday claimed that:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.

Mr. President, you’re wrong.  The future must belong to those people as much as anyone else.  Sir, the First Amendment is mostly to protect speech that might upset someone.  You see, inoffensive speech doesn’t need protection.

Still missing it?  Let me help you.  Cavalierly tossing around one of our fundamental liberties as a bone of appeasement doesn’t get at the problem.  The condemnation properly belongs to murderous animals who slaughter innocents when they get their religious feelings hurt.

A truly honest mention of the phenomenon would also closely and accurately examine how often such is perpetrated by Christians and Jews.  Mr. President, in mentioning “hate” against such, but not properly accounting for how often said hate breeds brutal violence from Christians and Jews (which is never), you perpetuate the heinously false equivocation that religious violence is religious violence.  It’s that obnoxious “I think we all can agree…” construction that inevitably carries some gross distortion as its payload—in this case, that enraged, barbaric Muslims are one of many groups committing religious violence.

When, in fact, enraged, barbaric Muslims commit essentially all of the religious violence.

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