State of the Union!

I’m live-blogging it!


As I type it’s about a half an hour out.  I just took a look at what is purported to be a transcript, and it’s nearly 6,800 words.  That sounds really, really long.  Some of it even sounds reasonable!  (That none of those parts can be plausibly resolved with anything The One has actually done in his first two years is something he wishes you would overlook.  Kthxbai.)

Yeah, so, between that and the “bipartisan” seating arrangement, which is a slam-dunk to usher in a new and glorious era of understanding and not at all a stupid, empty gesture, I’m tired of it before it starts.  I’ll skim it later to see if it matches what I’ve already read, and I’ll catch the Republican responses then too.

I know a great many of you rely on me to tell you what to think, and I’ll have that prepared for you by tomorrow sometime.  If it’s not a post, check my Twitter feed.

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3 thoughts on “State of the Union!”

  1. I was busy at Upwards practice. I win. Bipartisan Era of Mega-friendly-discourseology has begun!

    We’ll be back to default in 2 wks.

  2. I don’t have much to say. I think Obama’s embattled supporters will emphasize the patriotism of some of the speech, and he did get closer to espousing American exceptionalism than I’ve yet heard him do. But scripted generalities are one thing, and action on the ground is quite another. Certainly nothing in his actual record gives me confidence.

    Loved him proclaiming that government isn’t in the business of dictating industry (or similar), then slobbering all over “green” boondoggles again.

    Obama likes the tax cuts. (We have always been at war with Eastasia.)

    High-speed rail in the United States on a grand scale remains an incredibly stupid idea. This is obvious to anyone with even a basic understanding of economics (which obviously excludes the president).

    Very, very thin on foreign policy.

    A C+ speech from an F president. Republicans, the moment remains yours. Use it well.


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