Obama to America: You’re not thinking clearly

I’ve written a time or two recently of my decreased affection for political argument, in terms of really getting into it and enjoying the give-and-take.  It’s hard to enjoy the give-and-take when you believe your opponent advocates the destruction of the American way of life, whether s/he realizes it or not; or “walks around believing fairy tales,” as my wise friend Frances says.

Want to call me less tolerant of dissent when it comes to some issues these days?  Yeah, I’ll own that.

It seems our esteemed president may have some relevant insight.  Here’s what he had to say at a Saturday night fundraiser about it:

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared.  And the country is scared.” – Barack Obama

Well, I’m so pleased to have some sort of plausible explanation for my decreased tolerance.  I was afraid I might be deeply angry at the direction of the country, but it seems I’m just not thinking clearly because I’m scared.

Now make sure you’re following:

The coming Republican storm is not a consequence of the electorate experiencing two years of liberal-dominated Washington, deciding it’s gone badly, and rejecting the Democrats and their policies.  Instead, it seems the people are so paralyzed by their fear that they are no longer able to access higher reasoning in making their voting decisions.  They are panicked to the point that they are unable to process facts and science.

This is not a mouthy drive-time radio host, ladies and gentlemen.  This is our president making this assertion.  If you will just come to the light and stop being ruled by your humors, you will see the wisdom.  After all, these are facts and science he is offering, not the hormone-driven base emotion of his political opponents.

That is hardly routine partisan sniping.  That is deeply offensive and insulting.

Is this really the same man who rode a wave of hopeful rhetoric and independent goodwill into office, much of it having to do with bridging gaps, working together, and leaving ideological rancor behind in the interest of getting things done?  Is it that man who has instead presided over two of the nastiest, most bitterly divisive years in our country’s history, setting the tone from the outset with a dismissive “I won”?

Mr. Obama, I am indeed afraid of you.  Many millions of us are.  However, exactly contrary to your absurd claim, the fear is rooted in exceptionally clear thought.  We intend to hamstring you in the midterms, and then send you back to Chicago in another two years, so that you may do no more damage to the greatest country in the world.  I’m certain you will be just as blinded by your arrogance then as you are now.  It’ll certainly still be our fault for not recognizing your brilliance.

Because, hey, it can’t be you.  You’re hard-wired to believe it’s never you.  You have facts, science, and argument on your side, and we’re just a bunch of dumb, panicky animals.

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8 thoughts on “Obama to America: You’re not thinking clearly”

  1. I’m glad you said it. I haven’t written about it because I cannot use a civil tone in my rebuttal. (Yeah, I know. When has that stopped me in the past, right?)

  2. I understand. I had to work through it carefully.

    I wonder what would surprise me from this man anymore? I mean, “I was wrong” from his lips would flabbergast me, but I’m talking about things that are within the realm of possibility.

  3. Ha! We’ll die waiting for that.

    I started to make this another post, but I’ll just say it more quickly (and less fatiguingly, for some of my readership) here.

    When I say I’m not about the rough-and-tumble so much anymore, understand my sentiment is reactive. I’ve loved online polemics for 16 years, with much of that time spent on politics. I’ve never been so sustainedly and severely condescended to by my government officials, their ceaselessly adoring press corps, and their (diminishing, thank God) legions of chanting lockstep drone supporters.

    Until now, I’ve been the guy to get into it with you, respectfully and enjoyably.

    But y’all have left me. Oh, it’s sure as hell not vice versa. When the goddam President of the United States is spouting shit like the above, to the cheers and claps of his fawning sycophants, there is no basis for any adult dialog whatsoever. I get it. Your way or the highway. “Facts and science” or fear-driven panic.

    If you’re on board with that – if our president, to your ears, is speaking the truth when he waxes thusly – then you’ll please excuse me if the first phrase that falls readily to mind is “blow it out your ass.”

  4. Sounds like you’re feeling like I felt during the previous administration. I felt lied to daily and snickered at continually. The near theocracy ushered in during that administration had me seriously considering relocating for fear of my mere existence being outlawed. The panel of extremist republicans that will likely be soon voted in is just the same nightmare starting all over again.

  5. theocracy, n. a form of government in which god or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God’s or deity’s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.

    What, exactly, was theocratic about the Bush administration?

    More germanely to this post, when were you ever rhetorically patted on your head while your president said “the poor dear, she’s just frightened and can’t think clearly right now because of it”?


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