Time for Timer

So what did all of those late ’60s/early ’70s hippies who spent all of their time baked and/or tripping eventually do with themselves? Well, I don’t know what else they did, but it definitely appears they produced public service announcements that ran during Saturday morning cartoons in the late ’70s. “Look!  A wagon wheel!” (What … Read more

A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money

I posted that little blurb about Obama getting oh-so-tough with the budget at lunch, and I’ve been thinking about the numbers off and on all afternoon.  A trillion of something is very difficult to imagine. I spent a bit of time this evening on everyone’s favorite wiki, looking for fun and alarming ways to convey … Read more

Obama gets tough with the federal budget

Obviously deeply concerned about out-of-control federal spending, this morning President Obama directed his Cabinet to cut a total of $100,000,000 from the budgets of their respective agencies. The cut of $100,000,000 represents just under 0.003% of Obama’s $3,500,000,000,000 budget.  It is enough to pay the interest on the federal debt for two hours and eight … Read more
