People can get a cheeseburger anywhere, okay?

Since we started seriously dating–about 12 years ago now–Lea and I have had a catch-all term for a common sort of restaurant on the American landscape. The place has competently prepared but generally unremarkable American food, full table service, a bar, and often some wanly applied theme. It also has the characteristic for which we … Read more

Industrial-strength optical illusions

When you look at something, how badly does your brain want to establish a lighting vector? Very, very badly, as the Adelson checker-shadow illusion demonstrates: Dr. Edward H. Adelson is a professor at MIT, and came up with this illusion 12 years ago (so it’s been around a while, but it’s so uncanny I find … Read more

You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?

(Potential spoiler ahead, depending on how tightly or loosely you interpret the term.) Five years ago Training Day was released on DVD. Though I like a lot of different kinds of movies, a cop drama isn’t something I usually make an effort to get quickly. Nevertheless, I had a feeling about it and picked it … Read more