Miss USA gets another chance, thank God

I’ve not been able to sleep awaiting the outcome of this monumentally important story. At last, I am at peace, for the first time in weeks.

Actually I just heard about it this morning, when it was leading the news for two hours. Now get your brain around that. It was leading the news for two hours. That is pathetic. And if you gave even the tiniest shit about this story’s outcome, you are pathetic.

Of course, this is lovely on a shallow, men-are-pigs level. I mean, if she’s still Miss USA then she’ll still get followed around, enhancing the chances of another hot girl-on-girl makeout session being detected. Hopefully someone will have the good sense to take pictures next time.

There’s a “Pop Culture is Filth” John Derbyshire T-shirt available. I might need me one of those.

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