Dinner and a movie

Lea and I try to have a date every couple of months, but unfortunately there is often significant deviation between desired and actual scheduling. Tonight was our first one since December 30–ouch. I hope it’s not so long to the next one. First up was dinner at Carrabba’s, where I had the lobster ravioli and … Read more

This really happened!

No, Steak n Shake does not prohibit prayer in its restaurants. No, Febreze isn’t unbelievably toxic to dogs and cats. No, the Queen Elizabeth 2 does not use a gallon of fuel per six inches traveled. (Come on.) Et cetera. Ad nauseum. Veni, vidi, vici. Snopes.com is the best urban legends reference on the Web. … Read more

Happy Birthday Lindsay Lohan

Well, the beautiful and talented–and make no mistake, she is both–Lindsay Lohan turns 21 today. The journey to adulthood is an occasionally trying one for a young lady. But now she has arrived, with all associated trials and morals fully incorporated into her spirit. Isn’t the passage from childhood a lovely thing to behold? There … Read more
